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Real life situations

Here are examples of real life situations.

When there is a need for a choice between two options

“I had a life coach meeting with Andrea at a time when I was unsure which career direction to take. I had not had help from a life coach before so was unsure what to expect. Andrea listened to what I had to say thoughtfully. She did not tell me what to do but instead helped me move forward from where I was through questions which helped me overcome mental roadblocks I had formed. She also helped me and to think of things in a new way. Exploring what was important to me by creating a visual graph gave me something to reflect on again after the session. I came away from the session with a new sense of peace and confidence to move into the future with purpose and positivity. Thanks Andrea.” Fiona Elder – Registered Nurse

Complex project

I decided to use Andrea because she is a straight talker with a big heart.
I was dealing with a complex project and I needed to get results fast.
Working with Andrea was excellent because she was able to bring smart thinking and strategic goal setting to my situation.
Andrea has a talent for helping people clarify the next right step and thus speed up the decision making process. Her expertise meant that I was able to move forward with confidence and gain momentum quickly. The result was that I completed my project ahead of time, something that I could not have achieved on my own. I cannot recommend her Coaching services enough.

#coaching #change #choice #options #career #focus #goals #help #lifecoachandreaNZ

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