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What is love then?

Here we pondered about what love is not.

It is time to look into the deep and dig out a few possible answers for the question:

What is love?

Love is a DECISION. To love someone even if they don’t deserve it. Despite their actions. While keeping  healthy BOUNDARIES.

Love is ACTION. To go that extra mile for them. It must be a FREE choice. Free from ANY influence – outer or even inner!

Love is an APPROACH. How we turn to someone. How we see them. Whose interest do we take into consideration: ours or theirs? Can we act selflessly, even to the point of suffering disadvantage?

Love is LISTENING. The ability to shut up and let the other talk.

Love is CARING. Even if we disagree with their choices.

Love is HONESTY. Sharing our thoughts, our doubts, our questions. Yes, we can share our concerns about the consequences of their choices.

LOVE is PRESENCE. So when they fall, we stand beside them so they can lean on us while pulling themselves up. Because they know: even if we sometimes get frustrated with their decisions, indecisiveness, procrastination, seeing them slowly ruining themselves through these decisions, we are still on their side.

What is love?

If their world falls apart, we will still be there for them.