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what is your worth?

đź’ś What is your worth? đź’ś

Have you ever pondered about it?

đź’› Is it the sum of the wealth you own? Or – financially speaking – the net present value of all your future income? Can it be expressed in financial terms at all?

đź’™ Or is it about connections? Your connections – but with whom?  With your spouse, children, friends, co-workers, authority figures and subordinates in your life?

đź’› Or is it your relationship with nature? How much respect for it do you have and show?

❤️ Or should we add your relationship with yourself? How the two of you are getting on? You and You?

đź’žDo you feel that you deserve to be loved? That you are worthy of love? Or at least do you believe it?

đź’™Or maybe you are still in doubt if you could ever earn the true, unconditional love of someone.

đź’–Let me whisper some truth into your ears: you do. You are worthy. You deserve to be loved. You do not need to earn it. Just receive it.

đź’śUnbelievable? I guess so. Not long ago, I was where you are now. I was scared to receive it. I was afraid to believe.

đź’›But over time, I came to believe it and then receive it. And it changed me – for the better.

❤️Would you too?


Sal and the Great Frustration – the worth of presence

There is a lovely, heart-warming short animation I would like to share. Short but powerful.

There was a time, about 10 years ago, when I first saw it. I must admit I saw it as anything but lovely.

I thought the lady’s last actions were unnecessary, I couldn’t understand why on Earth she was doing what she’s doing.

Years passed by and I couldn’t get it out of my mind. Something was bothering me about it. I should have seen an uplifting action but I couldn’t.

Then, one time when I remembered it again, I suddenly recognised the beauty in it. The care, the love. And it made me think:

Why hadn’t I seen this before?

How I had perceived the story was filtered through my inner being. And that time I was hurt, dragging along with a lot of pain in my heart.

I found it difficult to cope with that level of kindness, the outpouring unconditional love, because I had never experienced it myself.

The uncertainty in who I was, the lack of experiencing and knowing that I am worthy of love simply because I am, severely impacted my views.

It was a long journey, painful but fruitful, to come to the place that I understand the value of meeting people where they are at.

Making them feel worthy. Accepted. Loved.

The power of being present.

The worth of presence in someone’s life.

Do you have anyone to walk beside you on your journey?


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