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booking – let’s get moving

Let’s get moving!

Whether you need a “kick” to get you going or you’re about to try to eat an elephant-sized cake (which takes time), the plans are flexible to suit your needs.

The first time we will:

–  quickly discuss – if you wish – what life coaching does (and does not) offer,

– define the goals you want to achieve by the end of the coaching process and put them in writing,

– choose the right plan for you:

  • “kick off”- 3 sessions
  • “elephant slicing” – 6 sessions
  • “long-distance” – 12 sessions (can be used at any time within a year)

The frequency of the sessions is adapted to your needs, it can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Length: 50 minutes/session – flexible according to your needs.

Here’s my hand. Want to grab it?

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