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prices and payment


I know every life situation is different. I also know it is tough for most of you.

So, here’s the deal: do you own math.

Pay as much as you can afford.

What would you willingly give up in order to get some relief from guilt, cleared up fogginess, discovery of your map leading you out of the maze?

Coffee for a week? A hairdresser’s appointment? It is up to you.

I am here to help you – but I need your help to keep running my business too.

Book a session and we will find a solution.

for tailor-made services please contact me here


Payment: to bank account. For those outside New Zealand, it’s flexible: whether you have an account with a financial service provider (Revolut, Wise, Currency Fair) or just a bank account, no problem. We will discuss the details.

Payment is due before the session unless agreed otherwise.

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full price list

If you can afford it, please pay it.

By your financial support you do not only get help for yourself, you help others too. 



price (NZD)

Let’s make a choice!
50 mins$ 150
Let’s plan!
50 mins
$ 150
I feel lost
80 mins
$ 200
I’m feeling stuck
80 mins
$ 200
I need another choice
80 mins
$ 200
I need to vent120 mins
$ 300
“kick off” (3 sessions)*50 mins/session
$ 435
“elephant slicing” (6 sessions)*50 mins/session
$ 850
“long-distance” (12 sessions)*50 mins/session
$ 1600

*can be used at any time within 3/6/12 months; if the service is not paid for in one lump sum, the fee payable for the first time is  $150.

If the appointment is canceled within 24 hours, the amount paid will not be refunded. By agreement, it can be used for a service of the same duration used at another time.
If the paid fee is returned, the cost of the return will be borne by the customer.

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