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services – here’s my hand, want to grab it?

What kind of service can you expect from me?

I’ll do my best to give you what you need. Which can be mostly coaching, a lot of listening, but most likely a combination of both.

Because what you get depends on how you are at that moment.

Which means that if you realize that you are not actually stuck in the mud, but got lost in the forest,

you are at the right place

because we will navigate you out of there.

Frequency: up to you – you book me when you need me

Prices: here

I just want to offload…  …and here I am to listen…

The length of our meeting can last up to 2 hours – flexible according to your needs.

You will talk and I will listen. Summarize and reflect back on what you have said. Even some questions might pop up.


It feels like being lost in the forest…

Let’s check where you are, where you want to go, and make a plan how you get there.

Length: 80 minutes – flexible according to your needs.

I don’t know which choice to make…

Let’s clarify what outcomes the options would give you, what you deep inside really think about them and visualize the possible outcomes.

Length: 50 minutes – flexible according to your needs.

I feel stuck…

Let’s get a stable footing in the swamp, then find the path out.

Length: 80 minutes – flexible according to your needs.

Any chance I have another choice?

Let’s clear the scene first, than list your options. No need to make a choice now, but you’ll see what choices you have.

Length: 80 minutes – flexible according to your needs.

Let’s plan!

I know where I want to go, I just need help with planning.

  • 1 session of professional coaching
  • so you more easily can achieve it by
  • turning your goal into a SMART one:
  • breaking it into parts and
  • putting it into a timeline
  • with accountability deadlines

Length: 50 minutes – flexible according to your needs.

Let’s get moving!

Whether you need a “kick” to get you going or you’re about to try to eat an elephant-sized cake (which takes time), the plans are flexible to suit your needs.

The first time we will:

–  quickly discuss – if you wish – what life coaching does (and does not) offer,

– define the goals you want to achieve by the end of the coaching process and put them in writing,

– choose the right plan for you:

  • “kick off”- 3 sessions
  • “elephant slicing” – 6 sessions
  • “long-distance” – 12 sessions (can be used at any time within a year)

The frequency of the sessions is adapted to your needs, it can be weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Length: 50 minutes/session – flexible according to your needs.

Here’s my hand. Want to grab it?

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