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About me – the official stuff for coaching

I have more than 10 years experience on the stock market in Hungary. Yeah. That crazy one. I learnt a lot there – how to manage my time, my tasks with deadlines within the days or even within the hour. Multiple times I had to involve and engage other departments, contractors, sometimes even the Stock Exchange and the Financial Supervisiory Authority. And yes, I worked as a stock trader for a few months, then in sales for another few, then realized none of them are for me and finally landed in a position where I had to have an overview of workflows, systems, and use my creativity to solve complex issues.

Then, with my young family, we left for New Zealand.
In my reference letter my former bosses wrote : “in all of her positions she proved to be dynamic, motivating, accurate and responsible person having interest to other professional domains than hers. She has the skill to identify relevant business and technical problems (not only in her own scope of activity but with reagard the overall business of the Company) and could elaborate the possible action plans and solutions in cooperation with other departments… She could quickly involve all stakeholders in the problem-solving procedures and lead them to find the beneficial compromise which provided the Company with the right solution for a problem. She developed several administrative and workflow innovation”.
Living far away from everything well-known I had to re-discover myself and get re-designed.
I started studying, adding a GradCert in Project Management to my previous 3 degrees in Economics (BA, MSc, MBA), then going further on to gain a Diploma in Professional Coaching.
You might think how my financial-market background can help you through coaching.
Well, so far:
Sound time- and task-management skills turned out to be a big advantage in coaching when it is about SMART goal setting. Flexibility is essential to adjust to the coachee and their current emotional status. Process management skills are useful when ensuring that their plan is sound and realistic. Risk management is good when listening to their options and possible obstacles. Analytical skills are beneficial when spotting and pointing out discrepancies in what they say. Creativity is necessary to help them forward when they feel stuck. Experience in stakeholder management underpinned with problem-solving attitude ensures reaching the best possible outcome for my business coachees.

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